Sacao was founded in Romagna at the very beginning of 80s thanks to the idea of a group of coffee makers and today it represents an excellence on the territory.
Just like Mokador, who acquired the brand in 2007, Sacao shares the same philosophy focused on the quality of the products, but in particular, on the single blend created for the Ho.Re.Ca market.
Today Sacao is a part of Mokador Patrimony and it is produced in its certified production plants in Faenza.
The production process starts with a careful selection of the raw materials that together with a scrupulous roasting and packing process, gives birth to the Sacao blends.
Sacao sensory profile has been created for a young but exclusive target of coffee drinkers, cosmopolitan, focused on the current trends and always looking for new inspirations.
Today Mokador realized the big potentiality of the Sacao brand, that is why the family decided to invest on the brand, with positive results.
The Sacao Disco Oro blend was recognized in 2016 as a certified Italian Espresso Blend, according to the Italian Espresso Institute standards.
Our coffee has been specially selected to offer you the very best cup
Everything you need for that personal touch